Private LTE with Pluto+ SDR



Having got LTE working with Analog’s ADALM-PLUTO SDR several readers requested I get it working with a variant of the Pluto, the Pluto+.

I was aware of the Pluto+ when starting my original project but decided to go down the official Analog route. In part because I suspected there were more Analog devices in the wild and sourcing them would likely be easier. But mainly due to Analog’s excellent documentation. If I needed to get something working I suspected they’d already have a wiki page on it. Which so far has proven true.

The Pluto+ appears to have been developed by Jun Su and Howard Su, based on the contributors list of the unit’s Github repository. Its manufacturer has proved largely a mystery, but it’s for sale on AliExpress ๐Ÿ˜€. Having ordered one, it appears to be relatively well built. With the GitHub repo supplying the appropriate technical documentation to explain the differences to the official Pluto.

This post covers getting LTE working on it. Making use of it’s party piece over the Analog ADALM-PLUTO, the addition of an Ethernet interface. Not support for a USB to Ethernet adapter as offered by Analog’s device, but access to the Gigabit Ethernet controller built-in to the Xilinx Zynq system-on-chip powering both devices. A full 1000Mb of fun.

Pluto+ vs Analog ADALM-PLUTO

The Pluto+ and Analog ADALM-PLUTO are very similar, both being based around Analog’s AD9363 RF Transceiver, paired with Xilinx’x Zynq 7010 hybrid FPGA/CPU platform.

The designers of the Pluto+ made several tweaks to the original Analog design.

These include:

  • Migration from a 25ppm oscillator to a 0.5ppm voltage controlled temperature compensated crystal oscillator (VCTCXO). No more hardware mods or external clock sources required to achieve the accurate timing needed to support LTE.
  • Addition of a Gigabit Ethernet interface, with required physical interface, and magnetics. Potentially increasing data throughput to the unit.
  • Addition of microSD card slot. I’ve not used it yet, past checking it works. In future it may be used for booting the unit, as an alternative to the onboard QSPI flash. For example if a larger OS image is required. It’s more likely to be used for external mass storage.
  • Addition of SMA connectors for the additional RF channel. Analog’s Rev D Pluto provides access to the second TX/RX pair provided by the transceiver. Although this is via IPEX connectors, requiring an (all be it small) hardware mod to make use of. Pluto+ makes accessing both channels easy, providing dedicated SMA connectors.

In many ways the Pluto+ is what the original Analog ADALM-PLUTO should have been in my opinion. But I see what they were aiming for, a low cost (for an SDR) platform for learning and experimentation. Rather than something with unnecessary bells and whistles, that would be overkill for their primary goal, while increasing costs.

FPGA Hosted Hardware Updates

The Pluto+ essentially runs exactly the same FPGA image as the original Pluto. With only a few minor changes. The pin allocations of the Zynq needed to change. The Pluto+ uses a different Zynq package than the original Pluto. Thankfully the patches provided by the original developers still just about apply so this was covered easily. Enabling of the Ethernet controller and SDHCI controllers before configuring their signal routing. Tweaking the allocation of a signal which would otherwise conflict with the USB controller. More on that later. (there’s a physical jumper that may need moving on your board).

For more information on the FPGA tweaks, see my original post.

Low Latency IP “Gadget” Daemon

While modifying the original Pluto, I found that the industrial input output (IIO) daemon, hosted by the unit for its USB and IP based communications wasn’t able to meet the latency requirements of LTE. It appeared to be designed to transfer large buffers of samples infrequently, rather than small buffers of samples frequently. As an example srsRAN will be requesting its RF samples in 1 millisecond blocks. Therefore the IIO daemon needs to provide 1000 of these blocks per second to the host from the receiver. While accepting 1000 blocks per second from the host for transmission.

In an attempt to be lazy I tried the IIO daemon again, this time over physical Ethernet, hoping it might perform better…..but alas, as before it fell on its face.

So similarly to the Pluto a new low latency, (hopefully) high performance version of the IIO daemon would be required. As with the USB version developed for the Pluto I chose to continue using the IIO daemon for the fiddly bits, configuring the transceiver for example. While implementing the data transfer mechanism myself, allowing the required latency and throughout targets to be met.

The new daemon is therefore based on the USB version developed for the Pluto. I briefly considered combining them as they perform largely the same task, just over different data transports. However they ended up different enough to warrant keeping them separate.

The basic flow is the same in both versions of the daemon. It makes use of a pair of threads. One reads blocks of samples from a network socket and writes them to the local IIO interface. The other does the opposite, reading blocks of samples from the local IIO interface and sending them via the same network socket.

UDP is being used as the transport protocol. Given the SDR will be connected over a local network (ideally a small local network, i.e. a minimum number of switches between the SDR and host). We don’t need the delivery and ordering guarantees that TCP provides. We can instead make some assumptions, for example that packets arrive in the order they were transmitted.

Standard Ethernet frames are limited to 1500 bytes, which taking into account an IPV4 header (20 bytes) and UDP header (8 bytes), results in a usable payload of 1472 bytes per packet. The smallest sample buffer size that will need to be transported over the network is 1920 samples. At 4 bytes per sample this results in a buffer size of 7,680 bytes. Therefore requiring 6 UDP packets to transfer.

For reception (RF -> host), after a few design iterations, the daemon makes use of the the sendmmsg system call. This call allows a full IIO buffer (all 1920 samples in the example above) to be split into individual packets. Each having a small header appended, containing details such as the position of the packet within the buffer and timestamp. Being sent in a single system call.

For transmission (host -> RF) a little more work is required. Ideally the recvmmsg call would be used, the counterpart to the call used above. Given the potential for the occasional packet to get lost, a single missing packet would knock the stream out of sync. Such that complete buffers would no longer be received. For now packets are received and processed one at a time by the regular recv system call. I did experiment with the recvmmsg call but there are other limitations which are hit before the system call overhead becomes a problem. I may be fun to implement a hybrid approach in the future with recvmmsg used to handle complete blocks whenever possible. With recv used to effectively discard blocks when required to get the stream back in sync.

SoapySDR Driver Updates

The SoapySDR driver extension for the Pluto version was further extended, adding support for the UDP transport, alongside the USB transport and original IIO transports.

See my original post for more detail on the original updates. The route I selected to update the driver adding timestamping support and the custom USB transport leant itself well to further extension. With the IP (UDP) transport, becoming a virtual mirror image of the code in the IP daemon above.

I have made a few slight tweaks / improvements to the driver. These include renaming the parameter to enable “direct” mode, from “usb_direct” to just “direct”. With the appropriate USB vs IP modes being selected based on how the Pluto+ is connected (the URI used for its connection). Although the old name remains for backwards compatibility.

Timestamping now also works if both channels are enabled and the test code has been updated to make use of both channels if requested. It seems I may have made a bit of a bodge in the original Pluto implementation, which I will be shortly checking/correcting. When the RF transceiver’s second channel is enabled its behaviour appears to change very slightly. I wasn’t making use of a signal deep within the FPGA, which indicates if a sample from the RF transceiver is valid (as I’d never seen it indicate that a sample wasn’t valid)…..turns out when two channels are enabled the valid signal becomes much more important. The result being that the timestamp counter was being incremented when it shouldn’t have been…..resulting in all the springs popping out.

Initially a puzzling problem, all became clear when I found that the Pluto+ ships with its second channel enabled, while the Pluto doesn’t.


Various GitHub repositories have been forked in order to add timestamping support.

Analog ADALM-PLUTO Firmware โ€“ Top level repository which integrate the Linux kernel, Buildroot based root filesystem and HDL repositories. This repository may be used with the instructions from Analogโ€™s wiki to rebuild the runtime and update images if required. At the time of writing the updates were based on the latest firmware release (V0.38). Despite its name the linked branch is a special formulated blend. Based on the original example provided by the developers, adding support for the integrated Ethernet controller and microSD card slot.

Analog HDL โ€“ Analogโ€™s HDL repository. While no changes were required to the Analog HDL modules, the ADALM-PLUTOโ€™s project required updates to integrate the new modules. A few additional tweaks are required to the project to add Ethernet and microSD support.

Analog Buildroot โ€“ Analogโ€™s Buildroot repository for the ADALM-PLUTO. With the new low latency IP gadget daemon integrated as a custom package. Also along for the ride is the original USB gadget, such that the Pluto+ can support low latency timestamping over either its USB or Ethernet interface.

Pluto HDL Quantulum โ€“ New repository containing additional HDL modules. Included as a submodule in the top level firmware repository.

Pluto SDR IP Gadget – New repository containing the low latency IP “Gadget” daemon. Gadget’s a bit meaningless here sadly. Linux refers to its USB on-the-go (OTG) device support as “gadgets”….I shamelessly adopted it here (who doesn’t like gadgets?)

Pluto SDR USB Gadget โ€“ New repository containing the low latency USB Gadget daemon. This is the application used by the Analog ADALM-PLUTO, and remains usable on the Pluto+ while connected over USB.

SoapyPlutoSDR โ€“ Fork of the SoapySDR plugin for the Analog ADALM-PLUTO, with support for the low latency USB and IP daemons. Along with some example code demonstrating timestamping, primarily aimed at and used for testing.


If you’re just looking to try, skip ahead to the next section. I’ve released some pre-built images on GitHub. The following notes are adapted from Analog’s wiki.

Building the Pluto+’s firmware requires installation of Xilinx’s Vivado Design Suite 2022.2. After which the firmware may be cloned and build as follows:

git clone --branch v0.38_plutoplus_timestamp --recurse-submodules --shallow-submodules
cd plutosdr-fw

Once complete (it takes a while) build artefacts will be available in the build directory. The two key images being pluto.dfu the RAM bootable image and pluto.frm the firmware update image.

Firmware Booting / Upgrade

Being based on the Analog Pluto, the Pluto+ includes the same options for booting the updated firmware. The following were adapted from Analog’s wiki.

If you’ve skipped ahead prebuilt images are available on GitHub, or you can build from source as described above if you prefer.

Booting from RAM

If you’re interested in testing the image before flashing it, you can boot the firmware from RAM using the device firmware update (DFU) mechanism.

For this the pluto.dfu file will be required, along with the dfu-tool, available in Debian and Ubuntu via the fwupd package.

  1. Enter DFU mode, by either:
    • Allowing Pluto to boot, then connecting via it’s virtual serial console. Logging in with the username root and password analog. Then issuing the command pluto_reboot ram which will cause the device to reboot into DFU mode.
    • Removing the PCB from the case and holding the DFU button while connecting USB cable for power / data transfer (more a last resort on this unit).
  2. Having entered DFU mode, load and boot the image with dfu-tool. You may need to run these command as root to gain access to the USB device, or find/create the appropriate udev rules to set the device permissions correctly.
    • dfu-util -d 0456:b673,0456:b674 -a firmware.dfu -D pluto.dfu
    • dfu-util -d 0456:b673,0456:b674 -a firmware.dfu -e
  3. Once booted the device should re-enumerate on the host as a USB device with the name Analog Devices, Inc. PlutoSDR+ with timestamp support, indicating that the new firmware has booted successfully.


Having tested the image using the DFU booting method described above. If you’d like to flash it to the device the builtin mass storage based update method can be used. This method is exactly the same as the regular update process.

Simply drag and drop the pluto.frm file into the virtual mass storage device and unmount it. After which the LED on the device will begin flashing rapidly while the update is performed. Once the update is complete the device will reboot into the new firmware version.

If your Pluto+ is like mine, you may want to drop in boot.frm too which will update the first and second stage bootloaders. Mine shipped with a very early version. The version included matches the corresponding official release with support for the microSD card added.

The device should now always boot and enumerate with the new name Analog Devices, Inc. PlutoSDR+ with timestamp support. Indicating the firmware with timestamping support is installed.

Note: Remember not to disconnecting the USB while the LED is blinking rapidly, indicating the firmware update is in-progress as this risks corrupting the firmware.

If you with to return to the official Analog firmware at any time, the same mechanism may be used, with your chosen version of the official release

If updating the bootloaders you may want to restore the bootloader configuration to its defaults. This shouldn’t strictly be necessary, but there may be unexpected changes from the stock configuration. This can be performed using the uboot-env.dfu file. Unfortunately it can only be programmed using DFU mode. Enter DFU mode using the virtual serial terminal, executing the command plutoreboot sf. Once the device re-appears the u-boot bootloader environment can be reset with:

  • dfu-util -d 0456:b673,0456:b674 -a uboot-env.dfu -D uboot-env.dfu
  • dfu-util -d 0456:b673,0456:b674 -a uboot-env.dfu -e

Pluto+ Configuration

Once the new firmware is loaded or installed there isn’t any significant configuration required, the unit is pretty much ready to go out of the box.

Jumper Configuration

If you’ve only run the stock firmware on the unit, the internal hardware configuration should already be correct. However if you’ve switched from the original firmware to the Analog firmware for the ADALM-PLUTO you’ve likely moved a jumper inside the unit. This jumper setting is detailed in the original Github repo.

Pluto+ Jumper Configuration (Credit: Pluto+ GitHub repository)

Shown without a header here, the right most row contains URST, MIO52 and MIO46.

For the Pluto+ specific firmware here, a jumper should be placed between URST and MIO46.

For the Analog ADALM-PLUTO firmware, a jumper should be placed between MIO52 and URST.

Static IP Address

I’ve assigned a static IP address to the Ethernet adapter of my unit, making it easy to track down. By default the adapter is configured to use DHCP.

A static IP can be provided by editing the config.txt file found on the virtual mass storage device presented when the unit is connected via USB. Updating the USB_ETHERNET section. Despite its name, this manipulates the hardware Ethernet adapter on the Pluto+. Presumably because a USB Ethernet adapter on the Pluto would appear as eth0, which is conveniently what the physical adapter in the Pluto+ appears as. A happy accident me thinks ๐Ÿ˜ผ:

ipaddr_eth =
netmask_eth =

Static MAC Address

If you’ve got multiple units, you may want to ensure that each unit has its own unique Ethernet MAC address.

There’s a mechanism in place in the bootloader (u-boot) to make this happen. As the system boots it attempts to apply its environment variable ethaddr to the mac-address and local-mac-address properties of the Ethernet adapter device tree node, which Linux uses to select and configure the system’s drivers. Unfortunately it manages to get the name wrong and so fails.

In order to fix this, for now I’ve been using a little workaround. Running the following on the Pluto+ over SSH or via its virtual serial terminal when connected via USB tweaks the boot commands executed by u-boot and will ensure a MAC address is persisted for the Ethernet adapter. Here the mac address chosen is de:ad:be:ef:ca:fe, note the spaces are deliberate. Colons should be replaced.

fw_setenv plutoplus_ethaddr 'de ad be ef ca fe'
fw_setenv adi_loadvals $(fw_printenv -n adi_loadvals | sed 's/run adi_loadvals_pluto/run adi_loadvals_pluto; run adi_loadvals_plutoplus/')
fw_setenv adi_loadvals_plutoplus 'fdt set /amba/ethernet@e000b000 local-mac-address "[$plutoplus_ethaddr]"; fdt set /amba/ethernet@e000b000 mac-address "[$plutoplus_ethaddr]"'

This step is totally optional and not required with a static IP. Although you may need to wait for your ARP cache to time out if the Pluto+ is restarted for any reason.

If you’re using DHCP or placing a DHCP reservation with your server, you’ll likely want a fixed MAC address. Either your reservation wont work as the MAC changes randomly on every boot. Or you’ll use up all the addresses in your DHCP server’s pool and leave a very confusing mess on its status screen (don’t ask me how I know ๐Ÿ˜…).

Pluto+ Hardware Setup

The hardware setup used with the Pluto+ is identical to the one used with the ADALM-PLUTO:

Pluto+ connected to LTE modem

A power splitter and attenuator separate the TX and RX signals while protecting the SDR and UE from each other’s power amplifiers.

Make sure to connect to RF channel one, rather than two. Definitely not a mistake I made… my defence it was all upside down and backwards, covered in JTAG leads at the time ๐Ÿ˜……..and the sun was in my eyes.

Building srsRAN and Supporting Libraries

I’ve described how to build srsRAN before, when experimenting with the LimeSDR. For for a more detailed version of the following see Private LTE with LimeSDR and srsRAN โ€“ Part 1 (Software).

In order to isolate the build, cmake is being provided with updated prefix and install prefix paths, such that it will install the required libraries and tools in a user specified location.

To allow this location to be customised, set an environment variable:



To build the SoapySDR library itself:

sudo apt-get install cmake g++ libpython3-dev python3-numpy swig
git clone --branch soapy-sdr-0.8.1
cd SoapySDR
mkdir build && cd build
make -j`nproc` && make install

SoapySDR Pluto Plugin

To build the updated SoapySDR plugin for the Pluto+ which supports the low latency daemons and timestamping.

First we need LibIIO and LibAD3961. Ideally I’d have installed these from my distribution’s package manager. However Ubuntu 20.04’s repositories doesn’t contain the required 0.24 release of IIO. Therefore I opted to build these from source.

To build LibIIO:

sudo apt-get install libxml2 libxml2-dev bison flex libcdk5-dev cmake
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev libaio-dev
git clone --branch v0.24
cd libiio
mkdir build && cd build
make -j`nproc` && make install

To build LibAD3961-IIO:

git clone --branch v0.3
cd libad9361-iio
mkdir build && cd build
make -j`nproc` && make install

To build the ADALM-PLUTO SoapySDR plugin:

git clone --branch sdr_gadget_timestamping
cd SoapyPlutoSDR
mkdir build && cd build
make -j`nproc` && make install

Having installed everything to an unprivileged directory. There is one file which needs to be installed as root. The udev rules allowing the device to be accessed over USB without root privileges. This step can technically be skipped with the Pluto+ if its only ever going to be used via Ethernet. If being used via USB the rule can be added via:

echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0456", ATTR{idProduct}=="b673", MODE="666"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/90-libiio_pluto.rules
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger


To build srsRAN:

sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libfftw3-dev libmbedtls-dev libboost-program-options-dev libconfig++-dev libsctp-dev
git clone --branch release_23_04
cd srsRAN_4G
mkdir build && cd build
make -j`nproc` && make install
./ user

srsRAN Configuration & Launch

The final command in the srsRAN build notes above will have installed a copy of the reference configuration files into your home directory at ~/.config/srsran.

Edit ~/.config/srsran/enb.conf:

In the [enb] section, update:

  • n_prb to 25.

In the [rf] section, update:

  • tx_gain to 89.
  • rx_gain to 20.

Add the following to the end of the section:

device_name = soapy
device_args = driver=plutosdr,hostname=pluto,direct=1,timestamp_every=5760,loopback=0
time_adv_nsamples = 40

Here hostname=pluto specifies where to find the Pluto+ on the network. I’ve added pluto to my hosts file, but providing an IP or a full DNS name here will work equally as well.

Edit ~/.config/srsran/rr.conf:

In the cell_list modify the first entry, updating:

  • dl_earfcn to 1575
    • Note the above will cause the unit to transmit in band 3. If like me you have a low end spectrum analyser and want to take a look. A better choice may be 2525 which will select band 5, placing the downlink at 881Mhz.

If you’ve previously been using a n_prb=6 configuration, for example for the Analog ADALM-PLUTO:

Edit ~/.config/srsran/sib.conf:

In the sib2 section, updating:

  • prach_freq_offset to 4.

Edit .config/srsran/user_db.csv, providing your SIM card details. For more information on this see Private LTE with LimeSDR and srsRAN โ€“ Part 3 (SIM Cards) and Private LTE with LimeSDR and srsRAN โ€“ Part 4 (Config & Launch).

To launch srsRAN, assuming it was built and installed as described above.

First start the EPC application:

sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${SRSRAN_INSTALL}/lib sh -c "cd ${HOME}/.config/srsran; ${SRSRAN_INSTALL}/bin/srsepc epc.conf"

Then start the eNodeB application:

echo "performance" | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor
sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${SRSRAN_INSTALL}/lib sh -c "cd ${HOME}/.config/srsran; ${SRSRAN_INSTALL}/bin/srsenb enb.conf"

A good startup should look something like this:

Starting eNodeB...
Active RF plugins:
Inactive RF plugins: 
---  Software Radio Systems LTE eNodeB  ---

Reading configuration file enb_pluto.conf...

Built in Release mode using commit 30d251687 on branch release_23_04_lms.

Opening 1 channels in RF device=soapy with args=driver=plutosdr,hostname=pluto,direct=1,timestamp_every=5760,loopback=0
Supported RF device list: soapy limesdr file
[WARNING] Unable to scan ip: -19

Soapy has found device #0: device=PlutoSDR, driver=plutosdr, hostname=pluto, label=PlutoSDR #0 pluto, 
Selecting Soapy device: 0
[INFO] Opening label PlutoSDR #0 pluto...
[INFO] Opening hostname pluto...
Setting up Rx stream with 1 channel(s)
[INFO] Using format CF32.
[INFO] IP direct mode enabled!
[INFO] RX timestamping enabled, every 5760 samples
[INFO] Has direct RX copy: 1
Setting up Tx stream with 1 channel(s)
[INFO] Using format CF32.
[INFO] TX timestamping enabled, every 5760 samples
[INFO] Has direct TX copy: 1
Available device sensors: 
 - xadc_temp0
 - xadc_voltage0
 - xadc_voltage1
 - xadc_voltage2
 - xadc_voltage3
 - xadc_voltage4
 - xadc_voltage5
 - xadc_voltage6
 - xadc_voltage7
 - xadc_voltage8
 - adm1177_current0
 - adm1177_voltage0
 - ad9361-phy_temp0
 - ad9361-phy_voltage2
Available sensors for Rx channel 0: 
State of gain elements for Rx channel 0 (AGC supported):
 - PGA: 71.00 dB
State of gain elements for Tx channel 0 (AGC not supported):
 - PGA: 79.00 dB
Rx antenna set to A_BALANCED
Tx antenna set to A

==== eNodeB started ===
Type <t> to view trace
Setting manual TX/RX offset to 40 samples
Setting frequency: DL=1842.5 Mhz, UL=1747.5 MHz for cc_idx=0 nof_prb=25
RACH:  tti=8791, cc=0, pci=1, preamble=15, offset=7, temp_crnti=0x46

If all goes well your user equipment should now be able to find and register on the network.

Note the that the configuration above provides the maximum performance I’ve managed to achieve so far on the Pluto+, utilising 25 LTE physical resource blocks. Other options include, 15 and 6 PRBs.

For a 15 PRB configuration:

Edit ~/.config/srsran/enb.conf:

  • Update n_prb to 15.
  • Update timestamp_every property in device_args to 3840.

For a 6 PRB configuration:

Edit ~/.config/srsran/enb.conf:

  • Update n_prb to 6.
  • Update timestamp_every property in device_args to 1920.

Edit ~/.config/srsran/sib.conf:

In the sib2 section, updating:

  • prach_freq_offset to 0.



As with the ADALM-PLTUO, for initial testing, the goto tool was iperf.

On the machine running srsRAN (hosting the mobile network):

iperf3 -s

On the machine with the user equipment (in this case a Sierra Wireless MC7455):

iperf3 -c -t 10 -R

Which resulted in the following encouraging trace:

Connecting to host, port 5201
Reverse mode, remote host is sending
[  5] local port 46868 connected to port 5201
[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate
[  5]   0.00-1.00   sec  1.96 MBytes  16.4 Mbits/sec                  
[  5]   1.00-2.00   sec  2.07 MBytes  17.3 Mbits/sec                  
[  5]   2.00-3.00   sec  2.07 MBytes  17.4 Mbits/sec                  
[  5]   3.00-4.00   sec  2.07 MBytes  17.4 Mbits/sec                  
[  5]   4.00-5.00   sec  2.07 MBytes  17.4 Mbits/sec                  
[  5]   5.00-6.00   sec  2.07 MBytes  17.4 Mbits/sec                  
[  5]   6.00-7.00   sec  2.07 MBytes  17.4 Mbits/sec                  
[  5]   7.00-8.00   sec  2.07 MBytes  17.4 Mbits/sec                  
[  5]   8.00-9.00   sec  2.07 MBytes  17.4 Mbits/sec                  
[  5]   9.00-10.00  sec  2.06 MBytes  17.3 Mbits/sec                  
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate         Retr
[  5]   0.00-10.03  sec  22.7 MBytes  19.0 Mbits/sec   15             sender
[  5]   0.00-10.00  sec  20.6 MBytes  17.3 Mbits/sec                  receiver

iperf Done.

Not too shabby at ~17.5Mbit/s.

Testing the upload by dropping the -R option:

Connecting to host, port 5201
[  5] local port 48018 connected to port 5201
[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate         Retr  Cwnd
[  5]   0.00-1.00   sec  1.52 MBytes  12.8 Mbits/sec    0    109 KBytes       
[  5]   1.00-2.00   sec  1.43 MBytes  12.0 Mbits/sec    0    165 KBytes       
[  5]   2.00-3.00   sec  1.18 MBytes  9.90 Mbits/sec    0    222 KBytes       
[  5]   3.00-4.00   sec  1.55 MBytes  13.0 Mbits/sec    0    280 KBytes       
[  5]   4.00-5.00   sec  1.24 MBytes  10.4 Mbits/sec    0    337 KBytes       
[  5]   5.00-6.00   sec  1.43 MBytes  12.0 Mbits/sec    0    393 KBytes       
[  5]   6.00-7.00   sec  1.68 MBytes  14.1 Mbits/sec    0    451 KBytes       
[  5]   7.00-8.00   sec   954 KBytes  7.82 Mbits/sec    0    508 KBytes       
[  5]   8.00-9.00   sec  1.06 MBytes  8.86 Mbits/sec    0    566 KBytes       
[  5]   9.00-10.00  sec  2.36 MBytes  19.8 Mbits/sec    0    622 KBytes       
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate         Retr
[  5]   0.00-10.00  sec  14.4 MBytes  12.1 Mbits/sec    0             sender
[  5]   0.00-10.56  sec  11.7 MBytes  9.30 Mbits/sec                  receiver

iperf Done.

Again not bad at ~9Mbit/s.


If you’ve read this far, well done. It seems that as expected the Pluto+ manages to out perform the original Pluto, although not by quite as much as I’d hoped. It’s undoubtedly more convenient to connect over Ethernet, without additional supporting timing hardware but at the same time I was hoping for more speed.

In the current 25 PRB configuration the Pluto+ is managing to handle transmit and receive at a very respectable 16,000 UDP packets per second, or 22MBs in either direction. That doesn’t feel terrible for a pair of Cortex-A9’s running at 666Mhz. I tried the step to 50PRB, resulting in 32,000 packets in either direction but no dice, it can’t keep up. It gives it a good go though, reaching around 30,000 per second on the receive path. I’ve included htop and bmon in the firmware image if you want to take a look for yourself.

I was hoping to reduce the load by switching from standard 1500 byte Ethernet frames to 9000 byte jumbo frames. Only to find that the Cadence GEM Ethernet controller included in the Zynq doesn’t support them. Then considered instantiating an Ethernet controller in the FPGA fabric, which would support Jumbo frames. Although Xilinx’s licensing confused me somewhat at this point….I didn’t, and don’t think their synthesisable Ethernet controller is available in the community edition of their toolchain. I reserve the right to be wrong….but at the same time don’t think I am. Regardless the Ethernet physical interface is connected via the Zynq’s multiplexed input/output (MIO) interface, which goes directly to the hardware peripherals. Rather than the extended multiplexed input/output interface (EMIO) which is accessible from the FPGA side of the device, so it wouldn’t be possible anyway. Wish I’d checked that before looking up the licensing ๐Ÿ™ˆ.

When developing the USB version for the Analog ADALM-PLUTO a reader suggested that I switch from 16-bit to 8-bit IQ samples. Given that the ADC/DAC in the Pluto/Pluto+ is 12-bits, we’re only going to be loosing 4 bits of resolution by doing this. Effectively halving the sample size, allowing the sample rate to be doubled, with 50PRB on the horizon. Although this would require some more hacking inside the FPGA, which as we know is were madness lies….although it’s secretly quite good fun.

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Development Notes

The following usually end up stuffed in a readme somewhere. Given the number of repositories involved in this project I couldn’t decide which one to stash them in, so here they are…

Converting an FPGA bit file into a bin file, suitable for loading with the FPGA manager driver within Linux:

echo "all: { system_top.bit }" > bitstream.bif
bootgen -image bitstream.bif -arch zynq -process_bitstream bin -w on

Loading the new firmware on the Pluto+ while running, note that this doesn’t currently quite work….which is super annoying. It appears that even when all the drivers are unbound and rebound some sort of pointer mishap occurs within one of them and all the springs come out:

scp /media/user/Data1/plutosdr-fw/hdl/projects/pluto/pluto.runs/impl_1/system_top.bit pluto:/lib/firmware

echo > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/cf_axi_dds/unbind
echo > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/cf_axi_adc/unbind
echo 7c400000.dma > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/dma-axi-dmac/unbind
echo 7c420000.dma > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/dma-axi-dmac/unbind

echo 41600000.i2c > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/xiic-i2c/unbind

cd /lib/firmware; echo system_top.bit.bin > /sys/class/fpga_manager/fpga0/firmware

echo 41600000.i2c > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/xiic-i2c/bind

echo 7c420000.dma > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/dma-axi-dmac/bind
echo 7c400000.dma > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/dma-axi-dmac/bind
echo > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/cf_axi_dds/bind
echo > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/cf_axi_adc/bind

Debugging the FPGA design with Xilinx’s Integrated Logic Analyser (ILA) core. To enable debugging, within Vivado:

  • Expand synthesised design, hit “Add debug”, follow wizard.
  • Complete implementation and generate bitfile.
  • Export hardware (system_top.xsa) and copy to pluto build directory.
  • Re-generate pluto.dfu file.
  • Load .dfu file to RAM using dfu-utils.
  • Back in Vivado, open hardware manager, followed by open target to connect via JTAG and find debug core.
    • Ensure JTAG frequency is lower than debug probe clock domain frequency. Selecting Properties -> PARAM -> FREQUENCY, having selected JTAG adapter, under localhost

Read samples from ADC and dump to terminal. Using groups of 8 bytes, timestamp should be visible at the start of each buffer, depending on the configuration.

iio_readdev -u local: -b 3844 -s 7688 cf-ad9361-lpc voltage0 voltage1 | hexdump -e '"%08.8_ax  "' -e '8/1 "%02x""\n"'

Select which channel is used for RF loopback mode:

iio_reg -u 'local:' ad9361-phy 0x800003F5 0x20
	set to 0x00 normally for a loopback test on channel 1 (which will become 0x01 when loopback enabled)
	set to 0x20 for loopback test on channel 2 (which will become 0x21 when loopback enabled)

Overclocking, just a bad idea for now….I briefly tried it but didn’t attempt to load the produced image. Basic idea, tell Vivado a small lie, changing the speed grade of the part used from -1 to -2. This allows the PS’s PLL configuration, specifically the CPU clock to be increased above the usual 666Mhz limit. Whether the FPGA will accept a design for a higher speed grade part, currently unknown….if it does whether it’ll run it, also currently unknown. Whether voltages and temperatures are within limits also unknown.

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25 responses to “Private LTE with Pluto+ SDR”

  1. Dumitru avatar

    Hi Phil! Thank you so much! This looks like a miracle to me! After I bought Pluto+ a year ago, at first I almost gave up hope of running LTE with Pluto+ SDR and was already planning to purchase AntSDR. Now I won’t need to do this. You are a good wizard!
    I flashed the pre-built image into the device, everything started well, except for the error:
    ERROR: Invalid PRACH configuration – prach_freq_offset=0 collides with PUCCH.
    Consider changing “prach_freq_offset” in sib.conf to a value between 1 and 24.
    Error deriving EUTRA cell parameters
    Error processing arguments.

    I changed prach_freq_offset to the closest value of 1 and it worked:

    Received Initial UE message — Attach Request
    Attach request — IMSI: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    Attach request — eNB-UE S1AP Id: 1
    Attach request — Attach type: 2
    Attach Request — UE Network Capabilities EEA: 11110000
    Attach Request — UE Network Capabilities EIA: 11110000
    Attach Request — MS Network Capabilities Present: false
    PDN Connectivity Request — EPS Bearer Identity requested: 0
    PDN Connectivity Request — Procedure Transaction Id: 1
    PDN Connectivity Request — ESM Information Transfer requested: false
    User not found at HSS. IMSI: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    User not found. IMSI XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    It’s a little upsetting that my Pluto+ is again haunted by the “ghost of BogoMIPS: 333.33”))
    I don’t know how to get rid of it yet. I decided to manually compile the firmware image.
    Just in case, here is the output of `cat /proc/cmdline`:
    console=ttyPS0,115200 maxcpus=2 rootfstype=ramfs root=/dev/ram0 rw quiet loglevel=4 clk_ignore_unused uboot=U-Boot PlutoSDR 1ff0468e9bea29b0a768a7bf52db8d025c521b9a-g1ff0468e (Dec 06 2023 – 23:25:17 +0000)
    With best wishes and gratitude, Dumitru

    1. Phil Greenland avatar
      Phil Greenland

      Hi Dimitiru,

      That error hopefully has a simple fix. You’ve likely jumped from the 6-PRB to 25-PRB config. You should be able to fix with the following.

      Edit ~/.config/srsran/sib.conf:

      In the sib2 section, updating:

      prach_freq_offset to 4.

      I’ve added a note to the post above.

      With regards the BogoMIPS, I’d be interested to know if your build solves it. With the bootloader updated, I can’t think of any reason why you’d be seeing it. Its even more confusing that the official build doesn’t show it.

      Let me know how you get on,



      1. Dumitru avatar

        It turns out that the latest official ADALM-PLUTO firmware version 0.38 also lowers BogoMIPS to 333.33 on Pluto+, but also the official firmware version 0.37 gives BogoMIPS 666.66. Moreover, if you flash only the boot.frm file, nothing changes. BogoMIPS changes only after flashing the pluto.frm file

        1. Phil Greenland avatar
          Phil Greenland

          Thats interesting. If the processor was somehow being underclocked, I’d have expected it to change when you flash boot.frm. This is the first and second stage bootloaders. Which if my understanding is correct, the first stage bootloader configures the processor and related clocks. Once the second stage bootloader and Linux take over it should all be set. I wonder if it’s just being mis-reported by the new kernel. The Linux kernel version has changed in the v0.38 vs v0.37 releases I believe.

          1. Phil Greenland avatar
            Phil Greenland

            I’ll take a look at my unit later, see what it shows. I’ve got it running the release I published on Github but can’t remember when I last checked it. Be interesting to see if my unit is reporting the same now!

  2. Dumitru avatar

    Just in case, let me remind you that your firmware version 0.37 with support for timestamping for USB also lowered BogoMIPS to 333.33, but at that time there was no official firmware for ADALM-PLUTO version 0.38 and for some reason our U-Boots were different

    1. Phil Greenland avatar
      Phil Greenland

      Good point. It appears to be happening on my units too. I’ve seen the same on the Pluto and Pluto+ when running v0.38. If I return just the kernel to the v0.37 version (5.15 vs 5.10) BogoMIPS begins reporting 666.66 again.

      5.10 dmesg shows:

      sched_clock: 64 bits at 333MHz, resolution 3ns, wraps every 4398046511103ns
      clocksource: arm_global_timer: mask: 0xffffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x4ce07af025, max_idle_ns: 440795209040 ns
      Switching to timer-based delay loop, resolution 3ns
      clocksource: ttc_clocksource: mask: 0xffff max_cycles: 0xffff, max_idle_ns: 537538477 ns

      Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 666.66 BogoMIPS (lpj=3333333)

      5.15 dmesg shows:

      sched_clock: 64 bits at 166MHz, resolution 6ns, wraps every 4398046511103ns
      clocksource: arm_global_timer: mask: 0xffffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x26703d7dd8, max_idle_ns: 440795208065 ns
      Switching to timer-based delay loop, resolution 6ns
      clocksource: ttc_clocksource: mask: 0xffff max_cycles: 0xffff, max_idle_ns: 537538477 ns

      Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 333.33 BogoMIPS (lpj=1666666)

      Seems the schedular clock is running at half the frequency it previously was.

      Digging around, it appears the schedular clock is driven from the arm_global_timer “drivers/clocksource/arm_global_timer.c”. This driver had had changes between 5.10 and 5.15, to include a prescaler. By default is suspiciously set to 2 (CONFIG_ARM_GT_INITIAL_PRESCALER_VAL=2).

      Tweaking the pluto config file arch/arm/configs/zynq_pluto_defconfig adding CONFIG_ARM_GT_INITIAL_PRESCALER_VAL=1 at the end gets the timer back to its previous value.

      From what I’ve read however the BogoMIPS, stands for bogus MIPS and doesn’t really mean anything anymore.

      Checking the clocks /sys/kernel/debug/clk/clk_summary, it seems that for both versions of the kernel the CPU clock cpu_div has been 666.66Mhz as expected.

      I believe it can be safely ignored.



      1. Dumitru avatar

        Yes, I also read that BogoMIPS does not reflect the real performance of the processor and it was already removed several years ago, since it creates inflated user expectations, but then it was returned to the kernel code for compatibility with some software. However, at least in the past, BogoMIPS simply executed a loop of the NOP instruction and directly displayed the processor frequency. I hope that in our case they simply โ€œfedโ€ it a frequency reduced by half, and the processor itself uses 666.66 MHz. At my leisure, Iโ€™ll try to make sure there is no change in real performance.

  3. twogo avatar

    I’d love to see openbts or something using the timestamp capabilities. I have a load of old unusable 2g/3g phones laying around due to 2G shutting down years ago and I would love to play with them and a 2G network ๐Ÿ˜›

    1. Phil Greenland avatar
      Phil Greenland

      Thanks for the tip, 3G would certainly be useful….and 2G could be fun to try to resurrect sometime. Be interesting to see how easy openbts would be to get going with the Pluto or Pluto+.

  4. hz12opensource avatar

    Great article and very inspiring project!

    Regarding overclock: I have a LibreSDR (another PlutoSDR clone, with larger Zynq 7020 SoC and 1 GB memory), and I can overclock my Zynq CPU to 1100 MHz and DDR to 750 MHz and it’s quite stable. The trick is to modify the first stage boot loader (FSBL), rather than changing FPGA speed grade (my bitstream was still generated for -2 speed grade). Performance improved significantly with overclock. My source code for overclocking support can be found here:

    Also, in my experience, I found that TCP usually works better than UDP. There seem to be some hardware offloads for TCP mode. If I run an iperf3 benchmark on my LibreSDR, I found that TCP achieves better bandwidth than UDP. Also it is very helpful to pin the task (like iperf3 or iiod) to CPU 1 using taskset, since CPU 0 is busy with dealing with hardware interrupts. CPU pinning helped a lot with performance.

    I also found that compiling the kernel with the -O2 or -O3 optimization flag improves performance by 20%. Combining these optimizations, I improved the iiod performance by over 2x (10MSPS -> 27.5 MSPS). I believe these tricks will be useful for your project as well ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Phil Greenland avatar
      Phil Greenland

      Very nice, so it can be done + thanks for the link ๐Ÿ™‚

      When I originally looked into it I wasn’t completely convinced my NAND backup was good and so was a little nervous installing the FSBL and uboot that I’d built. Turned out it was fine but having made the odd brick in the past, you can never be too careful. I never got around to applying my tweaked FSBL, generated from the speed grade tweak. I did wonder if there might be knock-on effects in the PL based on that tweak, so a FSBL only solution sounds ideal.

      TCP vs UDP is an interesting one. I had a little flick through the GEM Ethernet controller spec, hoping to see useful offloads but it only appeared to support checksum offloading. Aside from iperf I didn’t try it as a transport for the samples. Would certainly take away all the faff involved in checking that the buffers are arriving in the right order, not getting lost etc. Spotted the need for pinning myself. My little daemon seems very much bound by the Ethernet ISR which is taking up most of one core. While the other is comparably idle.

      Kernel optimisations were another consideration when seeing the ISR CPU load….I kind of assumed they’d already be set about right…..but you know what they say about assumptions.

      That’s all going to be super useful next time I take another run at it.

      Thanks for taking the time to write,


      1. hz12opensource avatar

        Thanks Phil! I look forward to hearing updates from you once you got a chance to take another run ๐Ÿ™‚

        One of the great things with these PlutoSDR clones is the SD Card slot, so you can boot from it without worrying about bricking the SDR. Testing overclock will be hassle free. There are only two lines in FSBL code that needs to be modified (CPU and DDR multipliers). Recompiling FSBL and copying files to the SD Card only takes a few second. I can quickly test many different clocks and find the highest working one. If you are going to try the overclock I would definitely recommend boot from the SD card. The chip has great potential (mine -2 speed grade chip is overclocked by over 40%).

  5. Abdenour avatar

    Hi Phil
    First of all let me thank you of sharing your great job that you’ve done. Secondly I have a very simple question, have you tested your Pluto+ emulated eNB with a COTS UE ?

    1. Phil Greenland avatar
      Phil Greenland

      Hi Abdenour,

      Thanks for the kind words.

      Yes I’ve primarily tested it with the Sierra Wireless MC7455 modem shown in the photo. I’ve also had it communicating with Quectel, UBlox and Thales modems without issues.



  6. Nikolaj avatar

    Hi Phil,
    Thank you for your great job!
    Would you advise me if it is possible to use an SMA RF power splitter panel to share the RF signal between the PLuto+ interface and several modems simultaneously? I want to build a testbed with a private APN shared by a couple of my test modems.

    Thank you,

    1. Phil Greenland avatar
      Phil Greenland

      Hi Nikolaj,

      You can indeed.

      I’ve previously used a dual power splitter as shown in my post to combine TX and RX of the SDR, then another to split the combined signal to multiple modems (I’ve tested upto 4 which worked fine).

      I placed an attenuator on each output of the second splitter output as I had a few. If your splitters offer a high level of isolation between the ports, you can likely get away with a single attenuator between the two splitters.

      Hope that help,



      1. Nikolaj avatar

        I see.
        Thank you, Phil!
        Could you recommend any good splitter model with up to four connectors for this task?

        1. Phil Greenland avatar
          Phil Greenland

          It depends how much you’re looking to spend.

          I purchased a mini-circuits 4 port splitter on ebay from an electronics surplus supplier at a fraction of its original price: which covers some of the LTE bands. I’m not sure how often they popup for sale though.

          Something like this may be a suitable alternative: it claims to have >20dB isolation between ports which is similar to the mini-circuits model.

          I haven’t tried them myself though, so can’t comment on their quality or accuracy of the specs.

          Hope that helps.


          1. Nikolaj avatar

            Thank you so much!
            a last question: if I use a single attenuator between two splitters, will it be enough for port safety?
            My first splitter is similar to your model.
            I am afraid to burn a port on connected modems.


          2. Phil Greenland avatar
            Phil Greenland

            No worries.

            I was concerned about protecting the devices from each other too.

            I went with the option of an attenuator per modem, bought a collection of the 30dB version of this unit:

            From my original calculations which you can find here:–part-2-hardware/

            The modem I was using has a maximum transmit power of 23dBm, so with 20dB of attenuation between modem ports the most another modem could see would be 0dBm.

            I couldn’t find any limits on the modems I was using, presumably as they wouldn’t usually be connected by cables.

            An RF engineer colleague “approved” my original setup whereby a modem wouldn’t see more than -20dBm from the SDR.

            Which is partly why I went for an attenuator per modem, increasing the port to port isolation to 50dB.

            Not an RF expert myself I’m afraid, so went for the slightly safer option (especially considering the modems I was testing weren’t mine).



  7. Nikolaj avatar

    Hi Phil,
    Thank you so much!
    May I ask you another question?
    How did you make a test with smartphones?
    Thank you,

    1. Phil Greenland avatar
      Phil Greenland

      Hi Nikolaj,

      I’ve not attempted to connect a smart phone before I’m afraid.
      The devices I typically work with make use of modem modules, with external antennas making connections easy.
      Without an external antenna port, depending on local regulations, you’d likely need to setup some sort of shielded box to contain the RF. Allowing you to transmit normally over the air.

      Hope that helps,


  8. Nikolaj avatar

    Hi Phil,
    I see. I also use proprietary devices with installed modems.
    Do you know by any chance if SRSRan supports Multi-APN configuration?
    Thank you,

    1. Phil Greenland avatar
      Phil Greenland

      Hey Nikolaj,

      It’s not something I’ve looked into I’m afraid, my setup is usual a simple data only connection.

      There appear to be a few mentions in the Github issue tracker for the project. Mentioning multi-APN’s with a view to VoLTE.

      For example:

      May be worth opening a ticket if the search doesn’t dig up an answer.



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